Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pretty grand

Yikes! I totally forgot about this blog last week.

Well, here we go then-

I don't really feel up to doing the Kagoshima touristy places blog right now because I'm trying to get this entry out quickly because I'm pretty tired and distracted by about a million other things.

(Actually, I am having a hard time getting myself into the idea of writing it in the first place.)

This week was my first week teaching again in the new school year. It's been fun with the new middle school 1st years. I really enjoy being part of the beginning of the school year far more than I enjoyed jumping in during the middle of one. The students seem to see me more as a familiar face and I feel like they're a lot more comfortable with me now than they were last term. I think I am a lot more comfortable with them, too.

The weather has been very nice lately- bordering on HOT (at least to Central Coast Californian standards.) I've walked around wearing jeans and a t-shirt and still thought it was pretty hot. Anyway, since I am such a wimp when it comes to cold, I am really enjoying this heat.

I suppose I don't have a lot to say right now, besides the fact that I am really, truly enjoying my life here right now. My apartment feels clean, my job is fun, my bank account has money, the weather is nice, and my overall mood is pretty grand.


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