Saturday, May 16, 2009

Noise pollution

So, there are city elections going on now. I can't say I know for what office(s) in city government, but I can say that Japanese elections cause a lot of noise.

I probably mentioned the broadcasting vehicles here in Japan before, right? They drive around saying pretty much whatever they want- advertising, etc. I kind of enjoyed the novelty of it even though it kind of worried me at first. I thought it was worrisome because I can't immediately tell the difference between a broadcasting vehicle advertising a pachinko parlor and one notifying everyone of an actual danger.

I kind of let it slide and decided to enjoy the novelty because it doesn't do me any good to make a fuss over something that isn't going away.

But now, with the election going on, it's definitely annoying.

Imagine not just one, but many broadcasting vehicles ALL. DAY. LONG. Sometimes they're in the same area, so the two loud voices are practically competing. Sometimes one practically parks in front of my apartment building and sits there for a good 10-20 minutes broadcasting "vote for so and so" very very loudly. Sometimes I can't think with all of the noise.

It turns out Japanese people are very irritated by it, too. Then why do they do it?

My Japanese teacher told me I can yell "URUSAI!" (Be quiet!) to the cars. I decided I would only do it from my apartment so that they can't see me. I ALMOST did it today, but a woman in the car looked up, saw me, and waved before I could open my mouth.

Man, what a nuisance these politicians are.

I told myself that I wouldn't criticize Japanese government because it's not really my place, but certain I can at least complain about -this-.

All of that aside, all has been well lately. :)


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