Tuesday, February 24, 2009

You're welcome

So I am walking around grocery store looking for something to make for dinner when I hear a small child whining to her parents.

When I am in the child's vision, all of the sudden, she goes quiet and stares.

Because, of course, I am probably one of the most unusual looking people she's seen in her life.

So she stares. Silently.

Of course, this is nothing even remotely unusual for me now, so I smile and wave to the child as I pass.

But this time I realized that my mere existence stopped the little girl from whining. Could anything the parents said or done have achieved that so completely?

I must be doing some people a favor by just walking around and not being Japanese.

So, you're welcome.

It's funny how I am an oddity around here whether I am actually doing something unusual or not.


(Sorry about the lack of a second blog last week, I have a cold and it's sort of blocking the creative juices.)


Flying with Enoch (Jesse Caron)

I've always thought you did a great job not being Japaneses. Work on your not being Russian though it's kinda weak.

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