Monday, June 1, 2009

Broken glass and running more than I ever have before

Again, this entry is very late. I was about to write this on Saturday night, but I had sort of a rough week and I wanted to lighten up a little so that the entry doesn't end up too negative.

On Thursday, a student at the elementary school I was at on that day threw a rock at a tree and accidentally broke my car windshield. The whole situation was really overwhelming because I had to watch the upset 5th grader be questioned about what happened by 3 adults (while I sat there trying to look as patient as possible) and I later met the child's mother. Anyway, my car was taken to a repair place and I was lent a car to use in the meantime. I didn't care much for the borrowed car and I looked forward to getting my car back. I finally got it back on Sunday morning and this morning I found a letter from the student inside of it. To my surprise, the letter was written entirely in English. He must've had help from someone, but the letters were written painstakingly well and I didn't see any of the common errors that I see is middle school student papers all of the time, so I was touched by how much effort was obviously put into it.

I suppose that this should really be part of the next entry (...uhh... -this- week's), but on Sunday I took part in a Kagoshima city wide scavenger hunt! I don't believe I've physically exerted myself that much in my entire life, but it was really, REALLY a lot of fun. If the event happens next year, I am definitely participating again! I'll (probably) go into more detail on this one in the next entry.

Sorry again that this is late.


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